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It’s that wonderful time of year where Spring has sprung and those extra hours of daylight are allowing us to enjoy the outside a little longer.

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Whether it’s finally getting around to those home maintenance projects or getting an extra hour of ball practice in, being outside in the evening leaves our bodies vulnerable to unwanted insect bites.  Yes, those pesky mosquitoes are lurking nearby.  Here are a few tips to keep in mind while sprucing up your yard’s landscaping this year.

stock-illustration-15926381-cartoon-mosquitoPlant flowers and herbs that work as natural insect repellents.  

Citronella Grass – common ingredient in bug sprays.  You can purchase these plants at local yard and gardening stores.

Lavender – Do I need to say more?  Not only does lavender smell amazing, it’s beautiful purple hues will add a bright pop of color to your garden.  O, and yes, it’s a natural repellent for mosquitoes!

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Rosemary – Yes, the same herb that you can use to mix olive oil with and make a nice dipping oil for your bread.  Here’s a great recipe  from for reference

Basil – Also an herb.  Basil has a strong smell and is known for keeping flies and mosquitoes away.

Scented Geraniums – These plants have beautiful blooms and have a lemony scent similar to citronella grass.

Marigolds – Bright yellows, golds, and reds are what these flowers will to your garden.  Once again, they have a strong, distinct smell that helps keep mosquitoes at bay.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope the gardening tips help!


The Barden Team

Barden Realty, LLC